Industrial mist generators or humidifiers can potentially use a large amount of water as well as electricity if they are not built with efficiency in mind.
Humidity control is an important aspect of many types of businesses and cool mist humidifiers are used in many of these applications. At Smart Fog, you will find humidifiers that provide misting that will keep humidity levels constant and create the ideal atmosphere in a greenhouse for plant growth. These misting humidifiers are designed using the newest technology to create humidity levels that exceed 90% but don’t result in wetting, which can be a problem that occurs with other types of humidifiers. The humidifiers available at are capable of producing mist that contains water droplets of mere microns so that there is greater control of humidity and it is more evenly dispersed.
If you have a hot house or you are in the business of wine-making, the humidity of the atmosphere where you perform these industrial processes determine the quality of the final product and are a major factor in your industry. A humidifier that provides misting of these smaller droplets of water will give you the control to keep the humidity levels constant. A misting humidifier will allow you to set the humidity at the level you want it at and then perform all the adjustments automatically. This can help greatly in industries where manual adjustments are too much of a bother to make them effective.
Benefits of Mist
When you have the right level of humidity, you’ll find many benefits. First, the skin can be much more supple and elastic when it’s not dried out. Second, you’ll find that wine and other items you’re storing will stay in better condition for longer. While these are great benefits, sometimes when you have too much humidity, you can find damage to your home from problems like wet spots or drips. This is why it’s important to find the right balance and to be sure to keep an eye on the humidity levels. You do want the air to not be dry but you don’t want it too humid either.
When it is dry, dust can easily settle and accumulate, yet mist from a humidifier can prevent this occurrence and can keep dust under control. Dust suppression, however, is only one of the applications of a quality humidifier. These days, humidifiers can be automated more than ever, thus making applications from dust suppression to food ripening less labor intensive, and more effective. When you purchase a Dry Fog system, your suppliers will inform you of which model is best for your application.
One of the great advantages of misting using Dry Fog technology is that it is far more efficient in its use of electricity as well as water – Dry Fog humidifiers are capable of saving more than a third of the amount of water and electricity used by older technology, thus this equipment is useful in an age where more and more businesses are turning their thoughts to ways to make their processes more environmentally-friendly. Saving on these resources also saves money.
It is possible to obtain cool mist humidifiers which are specialized for use in specific applications, such as a humidifier machine which is capable of monitoring the humidity at ground level, where plants are beginning to spring up. A cool mist humidifier can be set to keep the humidity at a specific level, that which is known to be the ideal for the application it is used for, so that the process it is used in will be more likely to be successful.
Misting Machines which Save Money
An application which requires a number of misting machines to be running non-stop can mean high utility bills as misters use both electricity and water. Misting machines which are more efficient in their water and electricity usage can be purchased, and will save money on utilities in the long run. A mister which produces water droplets which are consistent in size will not waste water, and there are a variety of different models of machines which are designed to suit various applications.
Misting Machines for Food Ripening
Misting machines can be installed in Produce Storage and ripening rooms in order to eliminate disease as well as insects which would otherwise spoil fruit. Misting machines also provide cooling, and a smart fog humidifier can lower ambient temperatures by as much as 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Humidifiers which can be operated 24/7 and require infrequent maintenance can be obtained, and can provide ongoing humidification with fewer interruptions.