Why There’s Lower Humidity During The Winter

Ever wonder why the winter months are characterized by lower humidity levels than the summer months? Whether you live on the east coast, west coast or somewhere in between, chances are you’ll experience drier air inside your home during the winter. So, what causes this phenomenon and precautions can you can you take to maintain proper humidity levels inside your home and place of work?

Winter’s Low Humidity Explained

When you crank up the thermostat inside your home or place of business, the central heating system pulls and warms the outside air before sending it throughout the ducts. Going back to the basics of physics 101, warmth causes things to expand, and air is no exception. As the warm air expands, so do the water molecules; thus, lowering the relative humidity of the surrounding environment.

It’s important to note that absolute humidity remains the same during the winter. The outside air holds the same, or close to the same, amount of water vapor as the indoor air. With that said, the indoor air feels drier because the relative humidity is lower. Relative humidity is defined as the percentage of water vapor the air can hold at the given temperature, whereas absolute humidity is the actual amount of water present in a unit of air.

How Low Does Humidity Get In the Winter?

Studies show that using central heat during the winter can lower a home or building’s relative humidity levels to 30% or below, which subsequently can lead to an itchy throat, nose bleeds, dry skin, excessive thirst, and other problems. Not everyone responds to dry air the same, as some people may develop painful nose bleeds and other respiratory issues, whereas others will experience little-to-no discomfort.

How To Beat Low Humidity During The Winter

No one should be forced to endure low humidity during the winter (or any other time of year for that matter). Now for the million-dollar question: how can I prevent dry air in home or place of business? Thankfully, humidifiers offer a simple and effective solution to this problem. A high-quality humidifier will monitor the relative humidity levels in the surrounding environment and, when needed, release moisture vapor into the air. It’s a hands-off solution for the dreadful dry air experienced by so many people during the winter season.

Let Smart Fog Equip You For The Winter

Hopefully, this post will give you a better understanding of humidity in the winter. The air inside a home or building expands as it’s warmed, which in turn spreads the moisture vapor out across a larger area. Contact Smart Fog today to get a free quote on one of our commercial humidification systems.

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